LOCATION: Euroa, Victoria

OTHER ARTISTS: Bruce Cumming (video documentation) / Suzie Bates (art teacher)

WITH SUPPORT FROM: City of Strathbogie, Euroa Secondary College

PARTICIPANTS: Eight local elderly folks / Nine music students & the Year 7 art class from Euroa Secondary College

Tell It With Sugar aimed to connect two generations in a social and comfortable environment where stories could be exchanged.  Both generations were surprised by each other! 

Rose recorded interviews with the elders made up of a series of questions devised by the music students.  Topics included reincarnation, the first kiss, romance and mischief. The result was a collection of entertaining tales which the students then recorded music and soundscapes for.

One woman spoke about regularly being locked in the bathroom for misbehaving which she didn't mind at all since that was where a large container of sugar was stored! She happily ate it by the scoopful! (This is where the title of the project came from.)

The year 7 art class also responded to the elders' stories with a collection of prints made to go with favourite stories.

An exhibition was held at Sheila art gallery with the art works, the soundtrack (stories intertwined with the music) as well as a short documentary made about the project by local video maker Bruce Cummings.

WORDS FROM AN ELDER PARTICIPANT: "It was a real eye opener for me. At 82 years of age I have formed an opinion that young people are 'rat bags'. However, this project has proved me completely wrong.  I was absolutely delighted to meet the students.  I'm afraid that I have been wandering around in these latter years not only with my eyes closed, but with my mind closed also. ...It is certainly reassuring to know that our future is in good hands."